4.2 Prequalification (intermixing tests). Prequalification applies only to manufacturers that are seeking
qualification of multiple cable penetration (MCP) products and therefore are not listed on the Qualified Product List
(QPL). Individual parts of one manufacturer shall perform satisfactorily when intermixed in a Navy standard
assembly. Prior to initiating actual qualification testing, the manufacturer shall submit two sets of blocks and two
complete frame assemblies (including end-packing and compression plate, stay plates, solid blocks, hardware, and
so forth), size 6, to the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Carderock Division for intermixing tests. Testing is
to be conducted as specified in 4.2.1 through 4.2.3. Costs of the testing shall be borne by the manufacturer. This
testing is a means of determining a manufacturer's systems ability to intermix with units already installed in the
Fleet before going through the expensive full qualification testing. Upon successful completion of the testing,
application for qualification tests may be made.
4.2.1 Solid manufacturers' blocks (two rows of each of BN20, BN30 and BN40) in manufacturers frame.
Watertightness (see 4.6.5)
Firestop (see 4.6.9)
4.2.2 Solid blocks mixed (manufacturer and standard Navy) and arranged in a checkerboard pattern in a Navy
4.2.3 The IR signature (see 4.6.14) of the sample blocks provided for test shall be supplied with the blocks.
4.3 Qualification inspection. Qualification inspection shall consist of the examination and tests in the order
shown, as specified in tables I and II, and in accordance with the applicable specification sheet (see 3.1).
TABLE I. Qualification inspection multiple cable penetrator assembly.
Test method
Visual and dimensional examination
Vibration 1/
Shock 1/
Watertightness 1/
Nonmagnetic 2/
Salt 3/
Fire stop
EMC 4/
Shall be conducted on penetrator assembly having FA and FS frame designators only.
Shall be conducted on penetrator assembly having FA and FC frame designators only.
Shall be conducted on penetrator assemblies having FS frame designators only.
Conducted on penetrator assembly when specified, see 6.2.
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